Wednesday, 17 August 2016

How to use track back in blogging

Before we proceed to how use track back while blogging, lets look briefly what “track back” is all about. Track back is a way  by which  a blogger have a form of conversation between two or more other web bloggers
Track back can also act as a form of getting traffic to your blog post.
In this particular post, we will make use of “Link” to track back a particular website or blog post you want to track back to in your blogger platform.
Follow the following steps below:
·       Log in to dashboard
·       Open a new tab window on browser
·       Go to the blog post you want to trackback. Copy the URL of the blog post at the browser address bar
·       Go to your own blog and go to dashboard
·       Create New post or open the blog post you to track to

·       Use your mouse and highlight the text you want to link to the blogger post you copied

·       Click the “Link” button at the top bar

·       Past the Url you copied and click insert or ok
·       That is all

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